
04.Jun. 2015

Prototypes – who needs them?

Prototypes can be an invaluable part of the new product development process for testing function, securing customer feedback, selling the idea and reducing risk. They can also be costly and unnecessary. So who needs them and why?

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07.May. 2014

Staples brings 3D printing services to the High Street

The High Street stationery store, Staples is struggling but as part of it's recovery plan proposes to add 3D printing services to its current offering. Inspired forward thinking or misguided knee-jerk?

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01.Apr. 2014

There's only one way to put jam & cream on a scone

There is a lot of talk about Devon and Cornish methodologies in terms of using butter and adding the cream and jam but there is only one right way.

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31.Mar. 2014

Why GrowthAccelerator?

GrowthAccelerator is a Government backed service specifically designed to help SMEs grow so what are the features and benefits and will it suit your business?

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25.Mar. 2014

Why the Manufacturing Advice Service (MAS)?

MAS is a Government funded business support service specifically focused on helping SMEs in England grow.

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13.Mar. 2014

What is an SME's problem?

A recent survey conducted by Grant Thornton as part of the GrowthAccelerator program showed some common business issues facing SME's in England.

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28.Feb. 2014

Patents; an irrelevant cost or essential investment?

Patents are widely discussed and valued but often misunderstood and unnecessary. So why, how and when should patents be used if at all?

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27.Feb. 2014

Is there such a thing as a 'mad inventor'?

Inventing is challenging and often unrewarding. Their are many inventors and inventors clubs out there but support for these innovative people remains slight.

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13.Feb. 2014

Been found out yet?

A survey carried out in the US suggests a significant percentage of business leaders are surprised that have 'not been found out yet'.

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30.Jan. 2014

Can leaders be spotted by their arm movements?

The benefits of a clear, consistent, straight forward management style.

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